Sunday, April 26, 2009


If I go by scripture, here’s some fragrances sure to be in heaven. (and this is just the beginning of a small study).

Sacred anointing oils, fragrant blends that are the work of a perfumer (who knows, that could be us, we may be able to learn the skill of a professional perfumer).

There will be spices and various blended perfumes.

There will be beautiful treatments prescribed for us, ie months with oil of myrrh and months with perfumes and cosmetics.

Beds will be perfumed with myrrh, aloes and cinnamon.

Perfume in heaven will bring joy to the heart

The very name of God will be like perfume poured out

When we are seated at God’s table, OUR own perfume will spread its fragrance

Our love toward God will be more pleasing than wine, and the fragrance of our aroma will be more beautiful to God than any spice

Heaven will smell like beds of spice yielding perfume, and lilies dripping with myrrh.

There will be very expensive perfume in heaven

We will be preparing spices and perfumes

Milk and honey will be under your tongue.

The fragrance of your garments will be like that of the cedars of Lebanon

You will be able to climb the palm tree and take hold of its fruit,

Your aroma will be like the clusters of the vine, and the fragrance of your breath like apples.

Mandrakes will send out their fragrance, and at our door will be every delicacy, both new and old.

They will have been stored up for us.

The spendor of heaven will be like an olive tree, and its fragrance like the cedars of Lebanon

There will definitely be lilies of the valley, and the Rose of Sharon.

Because we know God, there will be a triumphal procession in God and through us spread everywhere will be the fragrance of the knowledge of Him

We will be to God an aroma.

Won't this be a wonderful place for us all?

Friday, April 03, 2009

*SECRETE DATURA* by Matre Parfumeur de Gantier

Not to give this perfume short shrift, but my post will be brief tonight. I must tell you, I feel as though I've hit some sort of scent jackpot this week--at least that's one way to look at it. Another way to look at it is discovering more perfumes to crowd my already overflowing wish list. I know that at times I still have all the unbridled enthusiasm of the perfume novice. I'm like the drunk person at a party who wants to hug everyone. But I have the gut feeling that this is real treasure, and my nose is not playing tricks. Secrete Datura has notes of leafy green, orange blossom, heliotrope, neroli, jasmine, hyacinth, ambergris, musk, vetiver, and cedar. sometimes when I find a scent that really wows me, I find myself at a loss for words. How can I describe my experience? I find this very close in spirit to Iris Poudre, although more powdery, softer, and slightly brighter in spirit because of the orange blossom and neroli. This scent is youthful without being young, soft as a cashmere sweater (yet works in the heat), and simply has an aromatically calming effect on me that I haven't found with other perfumes. I've remained calm, focused, and uncomplaining. I feel sure the deep beauty of Secrete Datura has something to do with this. Some perfumes just do that to one's psyche. Look at the gorgeous art deco bottle as well.