With all of the tragedy in the world recently, I have decided to take a vacation from tragedy and take steps in the right direction! It is a time to be positive and to begin to make changes in the world. I have came up with the following eight ways to make a difference in the world:
1. Everything, people, places and situations have something to say! I am going to really listen, without interrupting or letting my attention wander. This, I feel. is the simplest way to learn and understand the needs of other people and of the world.
2. Volunteering your time or donations of money are causes which touch many hearts. Read to an elderly patient or buy new books for a veteran's home. Work at a soup kitchen or send a gift of food. No matter the size or your gift, big or small, ultimately your contribution will positively affect many people.
3. Embrace nature and beautify the world around you for others. To lift one's spirits, keep your garden bright, or plant and maintain flowers in a public place, Or, you could always donate a tree in someone's name in your local park. As a gift to wild animals, make your yard friendly with dense hedges and by using only natural pesticides.
4. Your energy will show, believe me, and it will affect others so choose to be beacon of light. Project goodness, happiness, and peace outward through your home, neighborhood, country, and finally the world. The effects of this are felt for thousands of miles.
5. Smile and the world smiles with you. When you catch a stranger's eye, flash a bright smile even if you are feeling that happy. Your stranger may seem confused, but their day (and yours) will be brighter.
6. Animals feel a lack of love as acutely as humans do. Adopt a pet from your local shelter rather than purchasing from a pet store. If your life cannot include having a pet around, spend an afternoon volunterring at the local shelter giving the animals so much needed attention.
7. Help improve someone's self-esteem or simply show them that you care. Give a compliment, send a friendly letter, or tell someone you were thinking about them. Make a sincere effort to keep in touch with long-time acquaintances and to develop new friendships.
8. Be a role model. Rather than asking others to alter themselves, change your outlook and .behavior. A role model can be a source of inspiration, hope and self-respect. Actively take on the responsibilities of a role model and reach out to children in need of guidance or an adult in need of a friend.
Do all of these suggestions sound "pollyannish" or simplistic, of course they do. But, I have always felt that good attitude and good deeds have a domino effect. We so desperately need postive change in this world we live in. We are so badly divided as a nation as well a world. We have to begin to resolve our differences and make this world a better place to live, we truly do. If we don't, the future of our children and grandchildren will be doomed one.
Way to live the positive!
Thanks for responding Nettie!
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