Over the past several weeks, I have been noticing that most people in this country are so divided, politically. Some divisions are along idealogical lines, with morality as a core component of the difference. Many others prefer to be divided politically, with nasty barbs thrown at will if an opinion is expressed contrary to one's own. The resulting name calling could be: dumb conservative, right wing conservative, left leaning commie liberal. If you are Republican, you stand for this - if you are Democrat, you want this! Be this as it may, our country seems to be more and more divided by the day. This fracture, I feel, is one that will be very difficult to heal and it breaks my heart that both sides cannot heal and come to any type of compromise.
Most people I know realize my dissatisfaction with the Bush administration, I frequently make my feelings known on my own blog and others. Truly, I had hoped, and even prayed, yes prayed, for a more compromising President, one who would not view the world in such rigid terms, such as 'my way or the highway', but this is not to be had during this presidency. This man never admits that he has ever made a mistake. That is so dangerous in a world leader, we all make mistakes. He severely lacks diplomacy with other nations and countries around the world, along with a lack of compassion or understanding for the common, noncorporate, man and woman in America today. I see him as being a person who thinks that his way is the only way, and whether you like it or not, he will have his way. He must have been very catered to and had all of his needs met as a child, spoiled actually. I saw him speaking today on the news in front of the United Nations, asking for their assistance. Normally, I change the channel when he speaks, but I found him requesting help as truly unbelievable. Why didn't he wait for the help of other nations before invading Iraq? We are stuck there now, it is a Pandora's box that should have never been opened. I doubt that other nations will be so willing to help now. I love my country, have always voted, campaign for my candidate during the elective process, and it pains me to see the direction in which this country is going.
The recent horrors of hurricane Katrina, with the ravages to the earth, wind and fire have created a division in our nation even more, along class, race and ethnic lines. Some gross generalizations are established as a result, with people pointing the finger at the federal government, or conversly chastizing local officials and state government. Regardless of the name and blame game, there is a clear division of opinion, regardless of fault, which is usually accorded to one group or the other. There is little, if any, middle ground anymore, and the division appears to be along extreme lines pitting one group in dramatic opposition to the other.
The four year anniversary of 911 has recently passed. We stood together as a people after that horrible event, we helped one another and there was no division. We came together as the most wealthy, prosperous and compassionate of all nations. Upon reflection, today after the recent devastation of hurricane Katrina, we have some significant issues to tackle as a country. The perception of America as a great country is losing footing among our own citizens and from the perspective of the world at large.
Four years after our country was attacked on 911, we have an administration having badly bungled both the war in Iraq and the recent major disaster in the gulf. We have a budget that is unmanageable, gas prices are totally out of control and thousand of homeless, jobless people. Our President is losing the popularity contest, and his numbers are plummeting each and every day, but in the end, does it really make any difference? Faced with an unpopular President, and a rich country presently in a terrible state, what, if anything can be done?
Our political system, although containing safeguards for ousting a President, given the current state of the composition of the Senate and the House, with a Republican majority, is truly rather safe so that the current administration can sail through without much accountability for it's actions. Besides, when one looks at the divisions along party lines, and the lack of unity in this country at the present time, most Republicans back and defend Bush regardless of what he does, to them, he can do no wrong. Party loyalty seems to have replaced blood in the public spectrum and is, in fact, thicker than water, as the only saying goes. Can it truly be said that whether we like what is happening or not, we must accept it no matter where it takes us on any given day?
Can anyone believe that as an American, your voice can be heard today and that you can still make a difference? Can anything be done with Bush and his administration, given the current state of politics? What remedies do we think we have as Americans? Are we better off or safer than we were four years ago as a country? I don't think so. What can be done to unite the people of this nation once more? Will the divisions between us ultimately be our downfall, like a civil war between the "red" and the "blue" or are they needed to achieve some type of necessary balance?
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