Child of my child, Heart of my heart,
Your smile bridges the years between us -
I am young again discovering the world through your eyes.
You have the time to listen and I have the time to spend.
Delighted to gaze at familiar, loved features, made new in you again.
Through you, I'll see the future, Through me, you'll know the past.
In the present, we'll love one another as long as these moments last.
*God gave us loving grandchildren as a reward for all our random acts of kindness
*Grandchildren are a grandparent's link to the future, and the child's link to the past
*Grandchildren are reminders of what we are really here for, and they are our compensation for growing old.
*I may not be rich, but I have the priceless gift of grandchildren.
*Perfect love sometimes does not come till the first grandchild (Welsh Proverb)
*Our grandchildren accept us for ourselves, without rebuke or an effort to change us, as no one in our entire lives has ever done, not our parents, siblings, spouses, friends - and hardly even our own grown children. (Ruth Goode)
Deana, David, Lauren, Matthew and Christopher - you light up my life......
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