*Romance is fleeting.......Love is long.
*Romance is dancing in the moonlight. Gazing deep into desired eyes across a candlelit table...Love is saying: "you're tired, honey, I'll get up this time" - and stumbling through the darkness to comfort a crying child.
*Romance is suspense, anticipation, a surprise...Love is dependability.
*Romance is tingling excitement...Love is tenderness, constancy, being cherished.
*Romance is eager striving to appear attractive to each other.......Love is two people who find beauty in each other no matter how they look.
*Romance is flattering attentions....Love is genuine thoughtfulness.
*Love is heightened and sweetened by romance, but it can survive without it....
*Romance feeds on itself and thus, is self-consuming.
*Romance is delicious.....Love nourishes.
*Romance is seeking perfection....Love is forgiving faults.
*Romance is flying....Love is a safe landing.
*Romance is the anguish of waiting for the phone to ring to bring you a voice that will utter endearments.....Love is the anguish of waiting for a call that will assure you someone else is happy and safe.
*Romance can't last.................Love can't help it.
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