Since I love to blog, I also read what several of my favorite bloggers discuss. One captured my interest immediately because they were attempting to define 'sensuality', which I am sure everyone has an opinion on.
If one looks up the definition of the word sensuality you will find:
1. The quality or state of being sensual or lascivious.
2. Excessive devotion to sensual pleasure.
3. The quality or condition of being sensual: sexiness, sexuality, suggestiveness, voluptousness.
4. The quality or condition of being sensuous: sensualism, Sensuosness, etc.
I was surprised to read these definitions of the word. To me, sensuality is far more an ability to utilize all of your senses: (smell, touch, hearing, seeing, etc. It involves all of the senses. It would be ludicrous to only define it as being a sexual thing, even though it can be.
Being able to connect with one's sensual side, and receive the most benefits from them is a true gift. Sensuality, of course, within it's true meaning, is anything that appeals to the senses. Although a person, place or object may be sensual, it does not necessarily make it sexual, the two are most often quite separate and distinct.
Think of language as being sensual, the combination of phrases, thoughts can be very sensual. Poets will tell you that and I have read some great, sensual poetry. For someone to write a story that holds you full attention so that you cannot put it down, that is a sensual gift as well. Visually, I find watching an ice cube melt on skin as being very sensual, watching wind blow at leaves, or seeing a person smile can be very sensual acts.
I think that most people can and do appreciate sensuality in it's truest form: that which appeals, in one form or another to the senses. It ultimately makes me think about a manner in which one could fully express himself/herself sensually, without being vulgar, or perhaps, crossing undefined boundaries. I don't mind that people know that making a statement about how I feel I am a very sensual person does not necessarily involve my speaking about sexual topics. Sensuality, unlike sexuality, is truly a great art form and I am so glad that I am gifted with it.
I love the fact that one of the most beautiful forms of sensual expression, at least for me, is through the use of words. That being said, being able to write and to share what I have to say with so many people online is a very pleasurable experience for me. What is also true, is being able to read my own words, and see how these letters strung together, forming phrases with meaning of beauty and purpose. I have always been able to write my thoughts more easily that verbalizing them.
Everyone knows by know, my great love for fragrance. I not only love perfumes and all of their different smells, I love the smells of the world. I remember one time riding in a car with my ex-husband, Ed, across the bottom of Florida. We were driving through these gorgeous black dirt sod farms that were prevalent in that area. It had rained one of those short Florida rains so the soil was freshly dampened. The smell of that fresh, black sod was beautiful to me. I asked him to stop the car so that I could get out and just inhale it's fragrance. It was the most beautiful earth I have ever smelled. I wished at the time that I could somehow capture it, put it in a bottle and keep it forever. Sensual? Yes, that fragrance was indescribably sensual.
Think of the sense of hearing a loved one's voice, a baby's cry and music that you love as a sensual sense. I have heard Al Green sing songs like Love and Happiness and that man is very sensual and conveys it well. I also love the music of Yanni and Enigma. I have heard songs by them that bring a tear to my eye only because they are so beautifully performed.
A mother nursing her new baby is very sensual. Silk blouses and flowers are sensual. I could probably go on and on about sensual things that appeal to me. I don't believe that everyone in this world truly appreciate all their senses as being 'sensual', but I do and I am thankful that I have this gift.
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