Just look around you and you will see this reflected in how we want to be perceived: the way we dress, smell, eat, live, or the homes we inhabit. Vanity is never to be thought of as a negative thing, it can and should be gloriously positive!
How, and what do you want to be remembered? Would it be your writing, your food habits, your tastes, smells, lifestyle or your work?
For myself, I want to be remembered for the beautiful children of mine. They are a testimony to all that I ever believed was important in my life. I have never wanted million dollar ventures, fancy labels, expensive cars or homes. Although my long career as a nurse has been one I am proud of, it has never defined who I am. Just my children, my grandchildren, and my soon to be great-grandchildren (thank you Deanna and Bobby). I believe that they will represent everything about me that I believed was good, morally true and important. This is the impression and the immortality that I want to leave, and that which I am most proud of.....................
I agree whole heartedly. Men can build castles, bridges or skyscrapers. but the one thing that will tell the quality of the man will be his children. God gave us children as gifts that we have for ever but yet we must also give away time and time again.
BTW is any of the art work yours? You dont tell us the artists names. Please do, they are quite a wonderful collection.
No, the artwork is not mine. I love art and just collect what I like when I surf the net and then use them according to what I am posting.
Only another mother can truly understand and appreciate what you've written here so beautifully, Char. Our children are our legacy as women...not our only gift to the Universe, but undoubtedly the most precious. Thank you.
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