Wednesday, April 26, 2006


I have a strong belief that there are moments in my life when time actually stops. Okay, time doesn't really stop, but something significant definitely happens. It feels like time stops. It feels like the only thing that matters is what is happening in that specific moment. It feels like having all of my problems, stresses and fears lifted....everything negative is removed from my being....when I exhale, I breathe out all of the unpleasantness that I feel, think, see. It is a profound peace within me, a feeling of invincibility, a feeling of perfect harmony between that moment and myself.

These moments do not come as often as I would like them to. If they came more often, I would have absolutely no stress to deal with or I would not value them as I do. It seems that I could never exhaust myself of moments like this, but what makes them so extraordinary is that they are spontaneous, but infinitely welcomed and anticipated. Inner peace is so very difficult to achieve, but in these moments it seems so simple, so realistic. I've learned to appreciate these moments, as I am unsure of when the next one will come.

Whenever I am near the ocean, by myself, or above with my grandson, I feel relieved. Of what, I don't know. Maybe just relieved of life; the everyday life that wears me out, dulls my senses, numbs my soul. I could be on that beach in St. Augustine, Daytona or especially, Sanibel Island for the rest of my life and never grow tired of it. The sound of the ocean, the smell of the salt, the feel of the sand and cold water on my feet, the wind on my face, and the hand of a treasured child with me, the two existing in a flawless unity that cannot be duplicated....all of these things formed moments that will be with me forever. It was bliss, but not a naive, unaware bliss. It was a conscious bliss, a mindful bliss, a living bliss, almost like I just knew........I just got it.......All at once. Epiphany in it's purest form. Transcendence complete.

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