At times, I like to sit quietly and just listen to the silence and enjoy it, a Zen moment if you will. Recently during my silence I began to think of sounds that bring me comfort:
*I remember as a young girl lying in a feather bed at my Grandmother's home in the country listening to the sound of the rain on her tin roof. I loved that.
*I think my favorite sound is the sound of the wind rustling through the leaves of trees, running through them happily and making the sound so pleasant.
*Violins....I adore violins, they convey passion so very well, more than any other musical instrument and are hauntingly beautiful. They can move me and make me cry......
*The ocean..........the tide coming in and returning. I used to leave my window open at night by the ocean and fall asleep and be comforted by this sound.
*The sound of thunder followed by hard, pouring down rain during Springtime. I adore it.....
*The sound of windchimes with a soft wind rustling through them.....
*The sound of an antique clock chiming, on the hour and half hour, an old clock with a soft chime.
*The sound of a kitten seeking it's mother, not having vision yet, but mewing for it's mother......
*My cats when they chatter at an insect or a bird or when they snore......
*The sound of a child's laughter, uncontrollable laughter, when they laugh so hard they can barely breathe........
*The sound of water being poured into a glass, the chink of ice cubes against the sides of the glass.
*The sound of high heels clacking on marble floors, I can remember my mother's doing that.
*Whales, the sound of them singing to each other......nothing more beautiful really.
*Forest sounds during the early evening, bull frogs, tree frogs, crickets, owls and all creatures of the night, it is mesmerizing.
*The sound of police sirens in Europe, I love that sound. They are not the same here....
*Rain or light sleet on a glass pane..........
*A train whistle late at night, off in the distance. This sound so reminds me of my grandmother and going to see her in my youth.
*Snow crunching under boots, or under tires, dry, cold snow..........
*The sound of seagulls at the seashore or mourning doves in the morning.......
*A lover's soft whispers during lovemaking...even if they aren't true.
*Canadian geese flying over my home in the early Spring and late Fall. I rush to the window to see them and they are the most gorgeous creation of nature.......
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