If I go by scripture, here’s some fragrances sure to be in heaven. (and this is just the beginning of a small study).
Sacred anointing oils, fragrant blends that are the work of a perfumer (who knows, that could be us, we may be able to learn the skill of a professional perfumer).
There will be spices and various blended perfumes.
There will be beautiful treatments prescribed for us, ie months with oil of myrrh and months with perfumes and cosmetics.
Beds will be perfumed with myrrh, aloes and cinnamon.
Perfume in heaven will bring joy to the heart
The very name of God will be like perfume poured out
When we are seated at God’s table, OUR own perfume will spread its fragrance
Our love toward God will be more pleasing than wine, and the fragrance of our aroma will be more beautiful to God than any spice
Heaven will smell like beds of spice yielding perfume, and lilies dripping with myrrh.
There will be very expensive perfume in heaven
We will be preparing spices and perfumes
Milk and honey will be under your tongue.
The fragrance of your garments will be like that of the cedars of Lebanon
You will be able to climb the palm tree and take hold of its fruit,
Your aroma will be like the clusters of the vine, and the fragrance of your breath like apples.
Mandrakes will send out their fragrance, and at our door will be every delicacy, both new and old.
They will have been stored up for us.
The spendor of heaven will be like an olive tree, and its fragrance like the cedars of Lebanon
There will definitely be lilies of the valley, and the Rose of Sharon.
Because we know God, there will be a triumphal procession in God and through us spread everywhere will be the fragrance of the knowledge of Him
We will be to God an aroma.
Won't this be a wonderful place for us all?
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