I guess I must stop watching or listening to the news, because every day I hear and see statistics that keep me awake at night and make me fearful of America's future.
I heard that this year, America is facing the largest deficit in the entire history of our nation. The entire history, I find this amazing that we could be so much in debt, the richest country in the world? We certainly have greatly over-extended ourselves in Iraq, no only monetarily but in the loss of lives, both American and citizens of Iraq. The devastation from Katrina plagues our country to this day. When you couple this with rising gas prices, the dependence on oil from other countries, and now the threat of nuclear weapons being developed in both Iran and North Korea, we are in very difficult times. I think that the current Foley scandal is minimal in comparison, but it is certainly an issue that must be dealt with as well. I believe, truly, that all of these issues speak to a greater conclusion that currently exists in this country: America has a failure of leadership. This is, of course, my opinion, but when I look at the overall picture of where we have gone, the fact that we continue to fight a war that is not really ours, and have a Secretary of Defense, Mr. Rumsfeld, who refuses to budge, and a President that continues to back him, it is a reality.
I worry about the future of our country and feel that we are headed down a river of no return.
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