As I was watching CNN last night, I had to shake my head in disgust at the current tactics that are evolving out of Washington.
It is no secret by now that the Republican, Mark Foley, of Florida has resigned from Congress. Apparently he was sending some suggestive emails to house pages over the course of his tenure in the House of Representatives. Some emails were extremely suggestive, at best. Among rumors about his sexual proclivities, was the possible misuse of his power to lure young men towards him forcing Mr. Foley to resign his position.
Personally, I could care less what his sexual preferences are, this not need to be used to approve or disapprove of who he is as a person. The larger issue, for me anyway, is whether or not he did, in fact, misuse his position and power to have access to young gentlemen? Also, who knew what about this, and when? It has been suggested that Speaker of the House, Mr. Haster actually had knowledge of Mr. Foley's actions as much as a year ago; but that this information was not made known. I would also bet that it was covered up by the Republican party. Knowing that some one is guilty of what is essentially, pedophilia, and doing nothing about it makes the person who knows just as guilty, in my opinion. This does constitute a problem for the Republican party and anyone who knew of Mr. Foley's 'problem' and failed to report it.
Moreover, I learned last night as well that Mr. Foley had checked himself into a center for alcoholic rehabilitation. His attorney even announced that Mr. Foley is indeed, an alcoholic. This piece of information came as a surprise to many people that are close to the congressman, who conclude that alcohol did not seem to be a problem for him.
Alcoholism and drug addiction are considered a disease. They are conditions which become obsessions of the mind and disorders of the body. Millions of people suffer from it, and those who are addicted, wreck much havoc to their families and the people around them. One remembers the recent 'rehabilitation' of Rush Limbaugh from his addiction to pain pills, right? I also remember one of the Kennedy's going into rehab after running into another car, which he didn't remember doing. What I have a problem with is anyone claiming addiction for the sole purpose of justifying an undesirable behavior. I find that very disturbing.
I wonder if there isn't a cover-up in Washington as to whether or not the Speaker of the House, Mr. Haster, or any other Republicans, for that matter, who knew about Mr. Foley's misuse of power? Is the claim of being an alcoholic now being used as a tactical advantage to justify bad behavior for the rich and powerful in Washington? What a shame......................
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