My best friend and myself recently took a short vacation in Atlanta, Georgia to visit my son. We were flying back home on September 11th and we both noticed that the flight was only one-third full of passengers. Amazing, we could have our own individual bank of seats to relax on. I then began thinking that possibly many people were frightened to fly on this date, it being the five year anniversary of our country being attacked by a terrorist group, Al Quida.
For many of us, this day will commemerate their own memories on the importance and impact on them. But there we a larger question that looms in the background. Where are we today, as a nation, and around the world in combating the war on terror?
Mr. Bush will tell you that we are indeed winning this war, for there have not been any more attacks on U.S. soil since that horrible day. But, does this alone constitute a victory? Have we won the battle, but are we yet to gain in the war? How do we explain why so many home-grown terrorist groups have recently surfaced in Iraq, Hezbollah, and Hamas in Israel? What about this even larger threat in Iran, and it's development of nuclear weapons down the path? How about North Korea as well, can this country be excluded as a potential terrorist entity as well?
Since we invaded Iraq, this country has become it's own training ground for fundamentalist Islamic extremists from the Middle East, whose goals are to destroy all that is Western. Have we as a nation, truly learned the lessons? Are we better prepared to face those who want to attack us today, five years later? I personally feel that our world is a much scarier place today than it was five years ago. Why have the recommendations from the 911 commission not been implemented? Has our leadership been effective, or has it failed in making Americans safer today?
I will never forget 911, I never expected to see something as horrible happen in my lifetime. I will continue to pray for those who have suffered, in one way or another, from this tragic day in U.S. history. May the burdens of their hearts be lifted, as we, a nation, and a world, begin to make sense of those actions that took place on that terrible day.
I found it interesting to note as I watched a special on CNN titled "Footsteps of Bin Laden"that Osama Bin Laden truly believes that what he did resulting in the attack on the U.S. on 911 was ordained or directed by his god. I felt a cold chill enter my body when I heard this because George Bush said the same thing when he was questioned by a well-known writer. It is so scary, is it not?
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