For anyone who reads my blog frequently, one would know that I have been against the war in Iraq from the get go. I said at the time, to myself and several friends, "If our country invades Iraq, we will be opening 'pandora's box'.
It's not that I am a follower or a great fan of Saddam Hussein, I am not; just like I not a fan of any dictator and he is only one of many. There are some far more dangerous and ruthless than Saddam Hussein. No, it was not that, it was that our country, the United States of America, had no business whatsoever being there since there were more, many actually, problems closer to home that deserved our attention. We essentially gave up on our search in Afghanistan for Bin Laden; we could have caught him if we had not rushed to judgement and invaded Iraq looking for those elusive 'weapons of mass destruction'. Bin Laden is still out there somewhere, making threats against our country, and we found no weapons of mass destruction.
I was watching CNN today and heard that several billion more dollars and at least 60,000 more troops are needed in Iraq and that the violence is increasing almost to a civil war. I can't watch the news much anymore; I can't justify the money, the loss of life, both American and Iraqi, that is shown daily. It is horrific to me and it makes me cry. Almost two years later, over 2500 Americans have been killed, countless others wounded, and thousands of Iraqi citizens, women and children included are killed or injured and billions of dollars are being spent. We have no business being in Iraq, we have opened Pandora's box as I predicted when this massacre began.
Today, we know that Saddam had no weapons of mass destruction, and that our presence inside of his country has actually created more harm than good. Iraq is now more of a breeding ground for terrorists than ever before. Some citizens of Iraq are saying that times are worse now than during the tenure of Hussein, imagine that! As Americans, we are greatly overextended financially in a war that is not even our own.
My question is, why did we go? Why do we stay there? Soldiers leaves have been canceled at the last minute so that they cannot leave Iraq, but must stay and fight. Imagine how they, and their families, feel? They are even thinking of recruiting our National Guard. Is anyone going to stay home to protect our country?
We have no dignity or respect left in other country's world view; just a short time ago, we were the greatest, richest, most respected in the world. We lost that respect; we are in greater financial distress than we have ever been; we are not solving our own country's issues and we have lost over 2500 young soldiers.
Was it worth it? I don't think so and I never have. It will be decades before this issue is resolved and that is the future that my children and grandchildren will have to live with, all because we opened Pandora's box.
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