I truly believe that from birth, George Bush has never had to take responsibility for his actions. Some children, especially the privileged do not learn that basic skill. He was raised in a very wealthy family and I doubt that he was ever taught to admit to a mistake. I say this because lately I have been following all the political fire that this administration has caused. It seems to be a trend.......Take his first nomination for the Supreme Court, Harriet Miers. She could have just withdrawn her name as a candidate, she said she was no longer interested in the position. She took the fall, not Mr. Bush. The same thing occured with Mr. Brown, the so-called head of FEMA, once the crapola hit the fan regarding responsibility for hurricane Katrina. Several days ago, I heard the the country of Dubai is no longer interested in the highly coveted ports deal here in the US. I am seeing a trend here where deals and people no longer show interest in something when under fire in the public domain. I think that it is much easier for Mr. Bush to let his cronies take blame than it is for him to admit blame or failure. I would like to tell Barbara Bush that she forgot to instill in her sons the ability to admit to wrongdoing or failure. Maybe they never had to growing up...........................?
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