As this year comes to an end, I began to think of things that really made me upset, that pushed my buttons, so to speak. In the new year, I hope to roll with the punches and not let these things get to me, hopefully.
At the top of my list would be our current president, George W. Bush. The man will be in office for 3 more years, unless he is either assassinated, impeached or dies, so I have to learn not to let him bother me. What amazes me about this man is not only his arrogance, but his belief that he is above the law and can do as he damned well pleases. His arrogance and self-absorbed attitude only worsen in my opinion. The New York Times (which I read) and CNN broke the story recently that Mr. Bush had authorized eavesdropping on hundreds of Americans after the 911 attacks without getting proper court approval. Mr. Bush recently confirmed that he did just that and was angry that it had been discovered that he did so. The report confirmed how a highly classified program of monitoring communications between Americans and other individuals overseas were being spied upon if it was thought that they had terrorist ties in some way or the other. This program was run and done by the National Security Agency, approved by Mr. Bush, who justifies his acts as being necessary to "protect us" and our "country".
It staggers the mind that Mr. Bush consistently feels that he does not need to comply with proper legal channels if he doesn't want to. Many higherups in the administration have stated that he could have had immediate approval, or approval after the fact, if he needed to. He didn't have to push his way around. This somewhat reminded me of the recent Terry Shiavo case, which in my opinion, the government had no business even commenting on. Mr. Bush, and younger sib Jeb, basically highjacked Congress into creating a special law to protect her. Also, his recent attempt to amend the constitution of our country to define marriage as between a man and a woman only. He, under great stress, did admit finally that he relied on faulty intelligence to invade Iraq. When doing so, he puts on his arrogant face and attitude as if to say "so what?" "I am the president and I will do as I see fit to protect this country". The people in the New Orleans area are still struggling, a national sin, in my opinion. It amazes me that he has gotten away with so much and nothing has been done. Why is it that impeachment proceedings or federal investigations are not being done? What does it take for the people in this country to finally say, enough already, enough is enough? The final rant on Mr. Bush this year and I hope I learn to not let it upset me as much in the new year, but I sincerely doubt it. Politics are very dear to my heart, always have been, and I will probably die fighting for a cause.
I hope that the lack of progress and funding in the field of mental health do not continue to upset me. The mentally ill have done without and suffered for too long, no thanks to you Mr. Tom Cruise. I wonder why people think that his opinion is all that important.
Other things that I hope to not push my buttons in the new year: prejudice, narrowmindedness, threats to our civil liberties, government surveillance, corporate media monopolies, censorship of news, books, anything, reproductive rights, death penalty, any form of mistreatment or violence against animals, child abuse, people with senses of entitlement, gay rights. Oh my goodness, the list goes on..................
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