Last night, while laying in bed, I began thinking about dreams. I have always enjoyed my dreams. Some of them have been nonsensical involving unknown people, strange events and happenings, but some of them have been prophecies of the future. I have never had any problem with nightmares or scary dreams as some people do, some refer to them as 'night terrors'. I wonder what it is in their life that makes sleeptime so terrifying for them. Some say that dreams are a key to the soul, some say that they are an accumulation of the day's events and that the mind is just trying to classify them and put them in order. I don't always awaken remembering what I dreamed during the night, but I have always wanted to start a dream log or journal to see if there was any pattern or recurring theme to them. I remember one dream, shortly before my daughter and my mother died. The dream was very vivid, I saw a wreath with dead flowers and a black ribbon on it - I could actually smell it. I didn't understand the significance of it until after the events had happened. Shortly after my daughter's death, I had a dream where she walked towards me smiling - showing me that she was healthy and that she was happy. This dream was unlike any other in it's clarity. It had to be very difficult for her to transcend from where she was, to reassure me that I could stop grieving and worrying because she was now in a place where she had eternal peace. When I awoke, I knew she had visited my dream, because Leslie was that spiritual. People may scoff and view this as not possible, but it did happen and it was reassuring. I have learned to trust my instincts and view my dreams as interesting insight as I sleep through the night.
What is a dream?
A dream is a magical thing
A rainbow of joy in your heart
Your own secret corner
Where no one can go
Where the path to fulfillment can start.
A dream lures you on,
Always one step ahead
Until you have caught it,
And then there's always another
To capture your soul
And lead you onward again.
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