I have been carefully watching the decline of Mr. Bushs' second term over the past several weeks. These few weeks, as I see it, are plagued with difficulties and recently revealed lies and deception. He now faces fire and fallout over the role Karl Rove has played in leaking information regarding CIA agent, Valerie Plume, very possibly an indictment for him as well as Lewis Libby. Now, heavens to Betsy, we find out that the deception even enters the oval office with the current investigation of his own VP, Dick Cheney. Remember, Mr. Cheney, giving all of those speeches about our "need" to invade Iraq? We never found those weapons of mass destruction, and we never will, because they were not there. Iraq was not stowing away uranium as Mr. Cheney said it was either. When I was a young girl, my Dad instilled in me that when you told one lie, you would end up telling dozens to get out of the first lie. He was so right about that. He would be irate at our current administration if he were still alive. He considered politics high on his priority list as I do. He campaigned, watched the debates on television and never failed to vote. My apple has not fell far from that tree. I feel the same way, you have to be involved in current issues and government to assure that your children and grandchildren grow up in the most democratic society. To sweep everything under the rug and not deal with it has become dangerous in this country.
As if Mr. Bush did not already have enough on his plate, Mr. Bush is being grilled regarding his nomination of his close friend, and counsel, Harriet Miers, to the U.S. Supreme Court. Questions have ranged from Ms. Mier's political beliefs from members of his own party, to her lack of judicial experience as well. Ms. Miers has never been married, nor had children, yet she will be called upon to deal with very serious privacy issues about women, men and reproductive rights in her possible role as a Justice of the Supreme Court. I consider being nominated to the Supreme Court of our land an honorable position that one should qualify for with experience and maturity and the ability to be neutral in many controversial issues. I question, what the hell has Ms. Miers ever done to earn that privilege? Me thinks that being the personal friend of Mr. and Mrs. Bush is the only qualification. That would not be allowed in any other high position of power in this country. I personally don't care that she is their friend, she is being given a lifetime job wherein her opinions and decisions will affect my grandchildren. Lately, Mr. Bush has become even more arrogant and I didn't think that was possible. It's as if he thought to himself, "I can place anyone in the Supreme court that I want to, I am the boss of all of you".
Initially, Mr. Bush promised to fire anyone who "has leaked information". Now he is beginning to backpeddle and revise his words. He now indicates he will "fire anyone" who has commited a crime. He has taken the twisting of words to a new level.
I still see the destruction and little improvement in New Orleans. It has been over two months and he promised initially the rebuild the region quickly. CNN has reported several times that he seems to be in no hurry making good on that promise, even though he has visited it several times and tried to appear to care!
I am cautiously awaiting the findings and decisions by Mr. Fitzgerald, who is said to be neutral, honest, and a man who seeks out the truth, regardless of the outcome in indictments. I sure hope that is true. I want my faith restored in our system and justice. In all reality, I think that a good deal of it will be swept under the rug and covered up, somewhat like Watergate was for a while. This feeling is not because I am a lifelong Democrat, no, not at all. It is because I respect honesty and integrity. I want to see the issues of lying dealt with and the people responsible held accountable. I don't think that is an unreasonable hope.
This morning on the news, it was announced that the 2000th soldier had been killed in Iraq. The mother and sister of this young man spoke so proudly of him and his accomplishments. What a horrible honor, to be the 2000th soldier killed. I bet his mother would change that if she could go back in time. I wonder how she feels about the lies told to us about reasons to enter Iraq? The numbers will just keep climbing in my opinion, and that is so very sad.
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