Dear sweet Drew! When I heard about your sudden passing, it broke my heart. So young with your whole life ahead of you......and what a wonderful life that would have been.
I remember the last time that I saw you...........I was getting my haircut by your Dad, Dale, at the home he shares with Richard. I remember my last visual memory of you, standing in the driveway smiling from ear to ear. I remember thinking how proud Dale and your mother must be of you. Your face glowed and your smile was so genuinely warm, I will never forget that. I am sorry that it was the last time I saw you and I will always treasure that memory.
I would also like to remember your life, Drew, as being one where you fought to be 'who you really were' and were so close to becoming the person you wanted to be.
In today's world of intolerance and ignorance, you fought the battle and YOU WON. It was truly a pleasure to have known you the short time that I did and I feel honored to have done so.
You will be missed Drew, the world is a better place because you were once a part of it..............
Very sad. Rest in peace, Drew.
Drew was a wonderful and beautiful person; he was a person that others would be envious of not having the pleasure of knowing. Drew was a real human, with love for all. Drew was so intelligent, but so misunderstood, when viewed from the outside; but, he knew how to be strong, and strenghten others. Drew's family and friends were his support system, while laughter was his remedy. His smile and laughs will always be seen and heard in my heart.
My prayers go to Drews' dads, his mother (such wonderfully spirited people), and all those now sharing this mourning.
Sherrise Boyd
Thanks anonymous and also Sherrise Boyd. To have known Drew was to love him.
It seems to me that truly beautiful people are taken from us so early - their meaningful lives are so short, maybe to teach us all a lesson.......
That's a great picture of my beloved friend and his family. Drew constantly reminded me that even though I age, I never have to grow up. I spent many nights running around Denver careless and free, laughing and having adventures with my dear friend. It breaks my heart to lose such a unique spirit and wonderful person. I will think of Drew and our adventures and remember him fondly and strive to be as strong as he was. I love you buddy!!
Thanks so much for your loving comment Amy. Drew was such a special, loving person and he will be so missed. He always celebrated the 'child' within him and you're so right, you never have to grow up even though you age.
I have a Drew sized gap in my heart that will always be his... Someone said he was made of magic, and I'd have to agree. He showed me how to be brave and walk with dignity. I met him his 2nd day in Denver and fell in love with his warmth and joy that first moment. I want to grow up to be like Drew someday.
He was my hero...
To such a wonderful man!
-Duff N
It's a shame anyone has to fight to be:'who you really were'... Though your family & friends were supportive, it's a tough world to be trans in.
RIP Drew and know that I vow to bring feminist light to this world- so that youth don't have to descend into risky coping behaviors... oppression kills.
[I question the role that the Eagle had in all of this... I'm having a hard time sympathizing with the raid that occurred hours after Drew's departure]
Anonymous, thanks for your input. I hope I live to see the day when our world becomes more tolerant and accepting. A world that looks at people through their soul, not their lifestyle choices. Drew had a wonderful soul that glowed, literally, when he smiled. I hope his short time on Earth has accomplished something by bringing to light that we all, all of us, must be accepting of each other. What a wonderful world that would be.
As Drew's Dad all I can remember is the happy times me and my son had and hope that everyone else can that what he would have wanted ...always love that all he ever wanted.
Dale the very loving Dad
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