I have always heard that you can 'never go home again' relating to the fact that the past is not what you remembered. Well, I did go home again! My son Steve and I were recently traveling from Michigan back to Atlanta where he lives and decided to stop in the city of my birth, Troy, Ohio. What a surprise! The town square that I remembered as a little girl was exactly as I remembered it. Yes, the stores were different but the buildings were the original ones and the fountain was still there. I had not been here since 1967 when my Grandmother, Frances Minerva, passed away. I never thought it would be the same.........
It brought tears to my eyes remembering all the happy times and all of my relatives in this small town. We stopped in to eat at a small restaurant that had a sign saying EAT which made my son laugh. The 'youngest' waitress was 62 years old and she knew of all of my relatives. You placed your order for the best home-cooked food at the counter and your name was called when it was ready for pick up. The food was excellent and at a cost of $12 for both of us.
It was a step back in times long ago when my cousins and I used to go to the town square, go to the one movie theatre and have fun watching movies for .25 cents. It was the location of the Bar owned by my Uncle Andy, who has since passed. It had also contained the dry goods store with the attic containing my beloved paper dolls that I used to purchase when my Grandma took me there. My Grandma also had an upper apartment in one of those old buildings when she could no longer maintain her boarding house.
Those memories surrounded me as we had lunch, looked around the town square and got on with our journey. I will be forever grateful to my son Steve for allowing me this wonderful chance to go home again.....