Autumn is here, I can feel her, sense her, smell her. I always think of Autumn as a beautiful woman because of all of the colors, the gorgeous, rich and deep colors she brings in her wake.
I especially love the emerald greens that she is seeking to toss. Toss the leaves so that the snow can enter and lay it's soft, white bed of loveliness. One of my favorite sounds is the sound of the rustling wind through the emerald green leaves behind my home. I love that sound, the wind gently dancing, beckoning the leaves to fall to the ground. Those leaves are turning beautiful reds, oranges, golden as they fall to the ground, losing the richness of their emerald.
Rich, orange pumpkins are appearing everywhere in anticipation of Halloween and pumpkin pies. Farms north of me are making apple cider, rich golden apple cider. Lovely ruby apples are covered with caramel and nuts waiting for the first juicy bite to taste them. Families migrate to the cider mills on a weekend so that their children can taste the cider, eat the apples, pick them for pies to be made by Mom, maybe topped with a slice of cheese to enhance the taste.
I love Autumn, the smell of it, the smell of just a little coldness in the air in anticipation of the snowflakes to follow; the smell of burning leaves, so beautiful.
I love bringing out my pink and white flannel robe to cuddle in with a good book, a hot cup of tea, and one or more of my cats by my side. A feeling of serenity, peace and warmth envelope me on an evening that is becoming chilly.
I love the sound of the wind rushing through the leaves, and I love the sound of the dry leaves crunching when you walk upon them. I love the sound of a bonfire crackling, the sound of football teams calling out plays to each other. I love Autumn, it is now the time of my life as well................
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