All of my life, I have been attracted to and loved lighthouses. In my greatest fantasy, I would visit all of the lighthouses in the USA just to see them. I can't explain my fascination with them, only that I love them and they make me feel secure and safe.
What makes someone sacrifice to keep ships safe from rocks and ice to warn of dangers in the night.
What makes a Keeper of the Light?
What causes one to spend his life patrolling waters that are rife with perils to which we are blind.
What creates a man of this kind?
While I sleep safely in my bed, what drives him to keep watch instead guarding all - both rich and poor from hazards near the darkened shore?
Is he fearless, it would seem, facing facts while we all dream? And, is he ever feels a doubt. his courage casts the shadows out.
With no regard to his well-being, his light shines, enables seeing and ensuring safety from hidden fears with unflagging strength through the years.
What makes him do the unselfish deeds? What keeps him strong, what are his needs to always do what is right?
What makes a Keeper of the Light?
He shines the beacons through the dark, in solitude proclaims, "take warning" for beneath these seas danger still remains.
He guides the vessels past shifting shoals, by shallow jagged reefs with quenchless flame throughout the night to a harbor snug and deep.
He rings the bell, sounds the horn, keeps vigil through the night.
Who is the humble seasoned salt?
The Keeper of the Light?
I am a Male RN.
My interest is in lighthouses.
Thanks for responding Joe. I have loved lighthouses all of my life. I personally feel that they are in great danger of disappearing all together in the USA. To me, they are strong, protective, and beautiful. I will miss them!
A very nice verse about lighthouse keepers. Thank you for sharing this.
Thank you for responding Davis. I have always felt such a secure and comforting feeling about lighthouses. If I could, I would visit all of them!
I too love lighthouses and your poem is great.
I look after pre-school children.
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