While watching the news this morning, I could not be more amazed about the uproar in the our senate yesterday between the Democrats and the Republicans! It is truly amusing to me that the Senate went into closed sessions to discuss the war in Iraq. The Republicans, of course, are livid that we should ever question the reason for this war. Unbelievable, there are over 2000 families of those killed in Iraq that would love to know if the loss of their son, daughter, wife or husband was worth the cost of this war in human lives.
I am glad that Democratic leader, Harry Reid stood up and said "they have repeatedly chosen to protect the Republican administration rather than get to the bottom of what happened and why". In my opinion, Mr. Reid is right on target with that statement.
With Mr. Bush's popularity falling rapidly, indictments being handed out to the White House personnel, the Republicans owe that to this country. What I cannot understand is why they become so upset and so defensive if the war is questioned? If we went to war for the right reasons, why would they not welcome an investigation? A bipartisan review is in order into the Senate Intelligence Committee's investigation into prewar intelligence.
They state that we are 'hijacking' the United States Senate by demanding that the truth be known! In my not so humble opinion, when a country as powerful as the US declares a war on a country, they better have damned good reason to do so. The cost of human lives and the billions of dollars to fund it are staggering. That is supposed to be the beauty of this country, the ability to question our government, to demand answers and to assert our right to freedom of speech.
Back in 2004, a 511 page report was submitted on flaws in Iraq intelligence assembled by the country's top analysts in 2002. A second look was promised into that report, it has not been done to date.
Mr. Reid's request for a closed session will refocus attention to the growing and continuing controversy over prewar intelligence. No weapons of mass destruction were ever found, no purchases of iranium were ever bought by Iraq from Africa, as our dear president said they had. Was intelligence twisted to promote the attack in Iraq? If it was not, what is the problem?
Our vice president's chief of staff, I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby was just indicted on 5 different counts over the leak of the identity of a CIA official married to an ambassador that investigated whether or not iranium had been purchased. That is downright nasty! Mr. Reid went on further to say " The Libby indictment provides a window into what this is really all about, how this administration manufactured and manipulated intelligence in order to sell the war in Iraq and attempted to destroy those who dared to challenge it's actions". He is right, if this administration has no fault, it will all come out in the end.
If we now live in a country where we are unable to investigate the decisions of our leaders who take us to war, we have lost many of our freedoms. Mrs. Wilson's outing as a CIA officer is one example of this, don't question your governments war choices or this could happen to you. We are close to becoming a nation of sheep with this administration and I cannot believe the people that blindly follow any decision made by this government. Thanks Mr. Reid for insisting on this investigation!
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