I think that as I have aged, I have considered the great philosophers like Plato, Socrates and even Aristotle as great thinkers, but the person more in touch with the state of human thought and mindset was my buddy, Popeye the Sailorman, who said "I am what I am and that's all I am!
Who are we, what do we do, and what are our likes and dislikes? In the end, we all are who we are.
First and foremost, I am a wife, a mother and a grandmother. I am also a cat mother to my fur babies.
I am a loyal friend and a passionate supporter of many causes including: The mentally ill, the elderly, the developmentally disabled, gay rights and the innocent.
I am well educated with a degree in nursing.
I participate in politics each election and am a supporter of the Democratic party. I do not like George Bush and the direction the country is headed. I will work harder in the next campaign in order to support my ideals.
I am an avid reader and haunt my local library. I read bestsellers, biographies, classics and theology.
I appreciate honesty and love good conversation. Anyone reading my blog, feel free to discuss the topics I post on. I don't need validation by anyone so I will consider your posts and your opinion.
I have experienced great pain in my life with the loss of a child, the disintegration of relationships, but I have recovered and consider them life's lessons. I know that I will see my loved ones beyond this life, of that I am convinced. My losses have strengthened me as a person. I am a secure woman and consider myself as having peace of mind an asset.
I have a peaceful content heart, but that is something I have had to work at.
When you get to the bottom line, it's just like Popeye said: I am what I am and that's all I am! He was right you know!
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