Over the past few days, we have all been entranced by the tragedy of Katrina, which we should be. We care about our fellow Americans. But, I was thinking today, as I noticed the price of gas going into the stratosphere, have I become so conditioned into accepting what is in this country without question or thought?
What has happened to the stories about Karl Rove leaking the information that he did, the Downing Street memoes, Abul Graub and the treatment of prisoners, the unbelievable cost of the war in Iraq, not just in billions, but in loss of our young soldiers, which is rapidly approaching 2000, the nomination of John Roberts to the Supreme Court, on and on, they seem to be here one day and gone the next? Where have the res0lution of these stories gone? Have we become so complacent as Americans to accept the stories as they are told, ask a few questions, and move on with the order of business at the moment? Are we at fault for not failing to act, think, talk and make a big deal about an issue that we think is important to this country? Have we become complacent and manipulated into accepting news that happens to us and our citizens without asking questions and demanding answers? Has our perception of what has gone on simply changed or have we become a nation of complacent citizens?
Have we forgotten who we are and what we stand for? Have we handed over our government to people that really could not care less about us because we are not of the same social or economic class? We have stopped standing up for our rights, and as a result we have lost many of them. This fact is so disturbing when you look at the female or the minority populations. Lately it seems that the only people who are interested in what happens to this country are the right-wing commentators and their fundamentalist-religious-fanatic supporters, but the times they need changing! The people that voted for Dubya got what they deserved in my opinion. The rest of us are stuck with his inept, bungling government.
Unfortunately, people will not be motivated to action until they believe that something is gravely wrong with the status quo. We are complacent in accepting what we are told, and as a whole we just don't care. The other pr0blem is that most Americans have patriotism confused with nationalism, in that anyone who questions or opposes the "leader" is a traitor and a coward.
We have to take our nation back, ask the questions that should be asked, demand answers, and demand that we be heard.