Mahatma Ghandi is the man who stated "You must be the change you wish to see in the World".
Today our President Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize for initiating change, for opening the doors of communication with the other nations of the world, for diplomacy and tact in negotiating peaceful solutions, and he deserves it.
Over the past 8 years, we as a nation were hated and our place in the world deteriorated because our former president would not negotiate with other countries, would not discuss anything with some nations for that matter. We, as a result, have lost close to 5000 of our finest to a unprovoked war with a nation that did not have 'weapons of mass destruction' and will probably lose more. That is not acceptable.
Our flag was burned in other countries and our people disrespected. It was unsafe to travel in some countries because of all of the anger against our country. Al Qaeda appears on our airwaves frequently mocking us for being 'so stupid' while they hide in the mountains of Afghanistan. We could always fight another war in Afghanistan but this would only push them further into Pakistan, where we could fight another war and lose thousands more. In the meantime, our economy is trying to recover from the damage done during the last 8 years with no regulations being put on Wall Street. Hopefully, we won't continue sending troops to Afghanistan to be slaughtered. If President Obama decides not to send more troops, he will be criticized for hurting the defense industry.
It has been stated that he 'has not been in office long enough' to win the Nobel Peace Prize, yet he is also criticized for not doing everything he promised, has he been in office long enough for that, I ask?
His presidency has already displayed diplomacy, class and tact where our former president displayed only arrogance, no accountability and no apology for any wrongdoing by his administration. President Obama could develop a cure for all cancers, and the GOP would criticize that as well.
I just want to state, however, that I could not be more proud of my country and my President. We are on the right track, peace in the world is possible..... We should be proud as a nation of this prestigious award being given to our President, yet many Americans are not, and I don't for the life of me understand that. Whether you approve of his administration or not, he won the most honored award in the world. That is something to be proud of, as Americans, not the political party you ascribe to.